How to Incorporate Sustainability into your Working Life

Sustainability doesn’t just stop at the items you buy it can be incorporated into your whole life. Having said that, it’s important to remember that every little counts, so if you don’t do all these things to begin with, that’s okay – it takes time to adjust to new ways of living! The way by which you travel to work massively impacts the environment. If you can, walking and cycling should be prioritised, but understandably, not everyone lives a convenient distance from work, so public transport and car sharing is the next best thing! 

During your working day, try to eat foods without excessive packaging, and if you can, buy from independent, local brands – this reduces your ‘food miles’. It would come as no surprise if you were partial to a coffee or two…. or three during the working day, so we would really encourage you to use a reusable coffee cup, and reduce waste. Here are some examples of cups we would recommend:


Frank Green make user-friendly, high-quality reusable cups that also look so cute!

You can find them here:


KeepCup, like Frank Green, allow their customers to 'design your own' mug. These are great cups to sip on whilst working at a desk, available at

During your working hours, try to drink from a water bottle and use sustainably sourced desk accessories! There is always discussion about whether using paper is bad for the environment, but one of our blogs acts as a myth buster to a lot of these opinions, so please check it out! One useful item to have at your desk is a Folio, a vegan leather case that holds an A4 paper pad. It’s also fitted with a fantastically crafted side-pocket for the essentials – a must have!Another great item we would recommend always having handy is a canvas bag. This means if you ever buy groceries on the way home, you won’t have to buy a disposable bag. When it comes to food shopping, going meat free can impact the environment in a hugely positive way. If you need some inspiration, The Good Trade website includes sustainable healthy vegan recipes from food bloggers and is worth a look! you’re not quite ready to give up that meaty taste quite yet, there are lots of meat free alternative foods that taste amazing….

Linda McCartney has a wide range of vegetarian food that tastes amazing and still provides you that hearty meal.

Personally, I think these sausages are just as good as the real deal and are easy to put in the oven after a long working day.

There’s of course a long list of things you can do throughout your day, and if you’d like more ideas on how to be more sustainable, we will be posting more blogs on the topic. Also, if you have any ideas or thoughts on what you would like to see us post about soon, please get in contact through our social media!